Every year I say I am going to make conscious decisions to start my gift crocheting early, narrow down the recipients to a number I know I can handle, and not have any crafting stress around the holidays.
Every year I make a liar out of myself. But what do I want to do the second the family goes home? Crochet something new JUST FOR ME!
I am apparently not alone in this sentiment, so I joined 40 of my crochet designer colleagues and created the Crochet for Me Bundle. It’s chock full of 56 individual patterns, never before offered in a bundle or for free, that will give you a wide range of patterns that will suit you from head to toe.
All sorts of patterns are included from hats and earwarmers, to sweaters and shawls, a skirt, socks and slippers, and even a pillow for your lounging pleasure.
You get all 56 patterns featured in this bundle for only $27. That’s less than 50 cents per pattern! But the offer is only available through December 31, 2020, 11:59 PM Eastern, and it absolutely will not be extended nor repeated.
A note to my UK friends, everything is in USD and USA time as this is a great international collaboration of crochet designers
My contribution is this beautiful fluffy heart cushion. The soft colours make it a perfect contrast to the bright colours of Christmas and the lash yarn makes a fur that is so tactile, I promise you you will not be able to stop stroking it. Currently, this bundle is the only place this pattern is available, but after January 2021 it will be available as a premium pattern on Raverly.
If you purchased these patterns individually they would cost you well over $200. And by buying from a coalition of designers like this instead of a huge publisher, you know that your money is going where it’s needed – into the pockets of your favorite designers so they can keep on creating the patterns you love to make.
If all of that is not enough to convince you you need this bundle here’s one more great thing. Once you gain access to the patterns you ALSO get a file with extra discount codes for additional products offered by some of our amazing designer friends. And there’s a 15 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely nothing to lose.
So spend some of that holiday cash, support the community that you love, then put your feet up and crochet something fabulous for yourself as you watch 2020 go out the door! You deserve it!